Wanted: A partner high school in the USA

Looking for a high school interested in joint project work and the development of a school partnership exchange program?

Picture of our school building

Looking for more facts about our school?

We are an open-minded school community looking for a partner school in the USA or any English-speaking country to cooperate with in various projects in natural and social sciences, history, foreign languages and other fields of learning.

And we would like to start and develop a regular exchange between groups of 16- to 18-year-old students from your school and ours. During their two-week stay at the partner school students will be hosted in families, attend lessons at the partner school and get to know the town and countryside, thus experiencing the way of life and culture of people in a foreign country.

Our students and their families speak English reasonably well so if you are at all interested do not hesitate to contact us even if your students do not learn German.

See you!