SV bezieht neuen Raum

HVG Logo gro-- 1920 x 1407 dpiSeit den Herbstferien steht der uns ein neuer Raum zur Verfügung. Dieser befindet sich im Hauptgebäude im ehemaligen Silentiumraum H144 der Mittagsbetreuung links vom Erdkunderaum. Zukünftig können wir einen kompletten Klassenraum für die SV-Arbeit nutzen. Neben diesem, der zeitnah noch durch ein großes Schild mit dem neuen SV-Logo (Bild) gekennzeichnet werden wird, hängt nun auch der Briefkasten, über den Ihr und Sie uns gerne kontaktieren könnt. Außerdem kann auch die E-Mailadresse genutzt werden. Zur Ausstattung werden bald ein Computer mit Internetzugang, Tische und Stühle für Sitzungen sowie reichlich Büromaterial gehören. Um Materialien lagern zu können, schaffen wir auch Regale an. Für eine Spende des Fördervereins zur Einrichtung sei hier noch einmal herzlich Danke gesagt!

Eure SV

1 Gedanke zu „SV bezieht neuen Raum“

  1. Liebe die Schülervertretung von HVG,

    Ich heiss Amy Lin und ich bin eine Austauschschülerin in HVG für ein Jahr (2016-2017). Ich komme aus U.S.A.

    Ich bin sehr interessiert in deine Organisation, weil in meine Schule in Amerika, ich auch in meine Schülervertretung bin. Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut jetzt. Ich werde zu Englisch wechseln.

    Since I have experience being on Schülervertretung back at my school in America, I was hoping that I could become a part of the Schülervertretung at HVG. I have plenty of experience being a student leader, ranging from organizing charity events to dealing with money (finance). Being a student leader is my passion and when I found out about Schülervertretung on HVG’s website, I could not be more thrilled and excited to find that HVG offers something as great as this to their students. Schülervertretung is what I devoted the most time to back home and I hope that I can continue my legacy and do the same abroad here in Germany for the year.

    A little about my experience serving on Schülervertretung in America. With my classmates and friends back home, we organize Teacher Appreciation breakfasts, car washes, football games, decorating the school, etc. The most important event every year at our school is a Schülervertretung-organized dance, called Charity Ball. Every year, we choose a different charity to raise money for. Two years ago (2014), we chose to benefit a charity that was a farm that supplied poor people with fresh food. The Schülervertretung reached out to the community and we were able to raise fünfundneunzig tausend dollars ($95,000)! This past year (2015), our new charity benefited a local pre-school, that took in students with learning and medical disabilities. The Schülervertretung alone, which was me and 60 other students, we were able to raise einhundert achtzehn tausend dollars ($118,000)! I am very proud of how far I have taken my Schülervertretung back home, helping to serve not only the students, but the local community as well. I already emailed you, so you can take a look at the email for a picture that serves as proof of the amount of money my friends and I raised.

    I have so many ideas that I am so eager to share with the German Schülervertretung here at HVG. I really hope to make a difference in my host community, which I am so grateful for for taking me in and hosting me. I am grateful for HVG for taking me in as an Austauschschülerin, and I hope to be a part of Schülervertretung to start giving back to the community. It would mean so much to me if I could attend your meetings and help plan events. I have new ideas that I brought with me from my Schülervertretung in America to Germany. I have a lot of freizeit and a lot of time to offer to any events or projects we take on. I am certain that if I become a part of your Schülervertretung, this would provide an opportunity to form a lasting partnership between HVG and my school back in America. It introduces possibilities of international initiatives and cross-cultural awareness. In addition, both schools could work to support each other towards common goals, whether they be for charity or something else.

    Could I be a part of the HVG Austauschschülerin for the 2016-2017 year? I really hope you consider me being a part of Schülervertretung at HVG, because I know that together, we can achieve bigger, better things. When do you meet and have meetings, and how often?

    Thank you so much and bis bald,
    Amy Lin 🙂

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