A Jolly London Tale

Ein etwas anderer Kursfahrtbericht.
On Sunday, September 19th, the merry boys and girls of the English Leistungskurs and their fearless teacher Mr Schroeder, accompanied by the lionhearted Madame Filmer, embarked on an adventurous journey full of wonder and surprise.

They set out from the small city of Paderborn, determined to reach the place they call the fabulous city of London, capital of England, destination of those seeking adventure. Many had come before them, many will do after them. Yet this valiant group made the voyage their very own.

There were wonders like they’d never seen; museums, palaces, parks and pubs. They bravely fought the beast of boredom – and were victorious most of the time, catching glimpses at works by marvellous masters like Monet and Picasso, Rembrandt and Warhol.

They watched the Changing of the Guard at the famous Buckingham Palace, the Horse Guards parading to please their queen; saw the imposing Bell Tower containing the legendary Big Ben and gazed at churches as old as the city itself.

They took a hike in Hyde Park and challenged the hungry squirrels and regenerated in the shining sun. They did picnics and all-you-can-eat Chinese buffets, Big Macs and Grande Lattés. They enjoyed Guinness and cocktails in pubs and clubs and danced late into the starry night.

They watched plays and musicals, even were in the audience at a performance of one of England’s most famous poet’s greatest works.

They daringly engaged in the strenuous activity of raiding the shops and boutiques and brought home with them bags full of shoes and shirts and other souvenirs.

Though their quarters were small and only sparsely furnished and the merry boys and girls left lots of silver coins in that big city, they all had a bloody good time.

And so ends the tale, and they live happily ever after.

Jana Jerosch